Wesley Liu

About Wesley LiuWesley Liu is an award attained and multi-disciplinary designer. He received his Masters Degree in Design at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), graduating at the top of his class. He studied environment and interior design, and his inquisitiveness and vision also led to his close collaboration with the Department of Built Environment and the College of Fine Art (COFA). In 2007, Wesley returned to Hong Kong having worked in Australia for two years. Upon his arrival he assumed the role of senior designer at a renowned Japanese firm specialising in interior design and construction. And in 2009, he founded Atelier P+P Ltd. “There is more to design than making it beautiful. I design to give meaning to something, which is then perceived as being a beautiful experience. One cannot expect to achieve such a creation without understanding, and you cannot truly understand if you are not passionate. In that sense, I can confidently follow my decisions. If I was to offer an advice to anyone it would be… to pursue your obsession and everything else will follow. It certainly has for me”


关于 Wesley Liu廖奕权先生毕业澳大利亚新南韦尔斯大学设计学院并获得设计学硕士学位同时也是香港室内设计协会及英国特许设计师公会的専业会员。曾在数间香港著名建筑设计公司担任室内设计师并于二零零九年创立 Atelier PplusP Ltd. 廖奕权先生对艺术及室内设计充满热诚他认为建筑及室内空间不单是一个个给用家生活的地方更是一个给人们洗滴心灵及触感互相共鸣的空间。他的设计不但要满足用户的须求也是为了满足各方在视觉及感觉上的享受,带给人们一个实用美满及舒适的空间。



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Wesley Liu
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